ST 101 :


Faculty of Nursing

Academic Program

Bachelor in Science in Nursing







Deepening the knowledge of the student of the College of Nursing about the statistical methods used in the analysis by making him aware of the statistical estimates and tests. And the study of the correlations between different phenomena.

Intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

The student should be familiar with all statistical measures, the student should be familiar with the methods of calculating these standards, the student should be familiar with the interpretation of the results of these standards.

Mental skills:

Dealing professionally with all variables, results and explanation, as well as commenting on the results in a simplified manner.

Scientific and professional skills:

Using data and information to support decision-making, and dealing professionally with all the variables used in the study.

General skills:

Achieved skills in the use of data analysis.

Teaching and learning methods

• Lectures.

• homework.

Methods of assessments

• Midterm exam 33%.

• Final exam 52%.

• homework and reports 15%.

Course Outline

Introduction, basic definitions and concepts

The scales of measurement

Summarizing Data

Measures of Control Tendency

Measures of Dispersion

Basic concepts of Probability

Probability Distributions